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Perito médico designado por la corte

Proceso de nombramiento

Si usted es un psiquiatra/psicólogo autorizado y está interesado en fungir como perito médico nombrado por la corte, ya sea en el panel de adultos o de menores, tiene que presentar una solicitud llenada. Las solicitudes son revisadas por el Comité de Reclutamiento Judicial.

Panel de adultos

Si está interesado en formar parte del panel de adultos, tiene que llenar una solicitud en línea disponible aquí.

La lista de cuotas para peritos médicos nombrados por la corte del panel de adultos, que se aplica a todos los nombramientos, está disponible aquí (en inglés).

Privacy Notice

If you choose to send us personal information by e-mailing us, we normally use the information to respond to your message and for no other purpose. We do not create individual profiles with the information you provide or give it to any other public or private organization for commercial purposes or otherwise.

The one exception to this policy is if you send us a threat or a message that describes or promotes unlawful activity. We will share those messages with law enforcement. Any e-mail sent using this form will include the sender's IP Address.

Response time is subject to the number of e-mails received.

To Fill out an Application please Acknowledge the disclaimer agreement below.

I have read the disclaimer and agree to all of these terms and conditions.

Medical Examiner Application

License Type

College degree(s), graduate degree(s), etc.

Internship, residency, fellowship, etc.

If Yes - please list which courts and what type of panel (e.g. adult or juvenile, competency, WIC 361.5(c)(1)): 

If Yes - please attach explanation with dates, including whether the action affected the status of your license.

If yes, please include the nature of the crime, the date of the offense and date of conviction, and the venue.

If Yes - please list language(s)

Please provide a current curriculum vitae/resume; license to practice; proof of malpractice insurance; and copy of a valid identification card.

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Panel de menores

Si está interesado en formar parte del panel de menores, tiene que llenar una solicitud en línea disponible aquí.

Privacy Notice

If you choose to send us personal information by e-mailing us, we normally use the information to respond to your message and for no other purpose. We do not create individual profiles with the information you provide or give it to any other public or private organization for commercial purposes or otherwise.

The one exception to this policy is if you send us a threat or a message that describes or promotes unlawful activity. We will share those messages with law enforcement. Any e-mail sent using this form will include the sender's IP Address.

Response time is subject to the number of e-mails received.

To Fill out an Application please Acknowledge the disclaimer agreement below.

I have read the disclaimer and agree to all of these terms and conditions.

Medical Examiner Application Juvenile Panel

License Type

College degree(s), graduate degree(s), etc.

Internship, residency, fellowship, etc.

If Yes - please list which courts and what type of panel (e.g. adult or juvenile, competency, WIC 361.5(c)(1)): 

explain your expertise and qualifications that meets the requirements of Welfare & Institutions Code § 709(b) and California Rules of Court, rule 5.645(b)(2)

If Yes - please attach explanation with dates, including whether the action affected the status of your license.

If yes, please include the nature of the crime, the date of the offense and date of conviction, and the venue.

If Yes - please list language(s)

Please provide a current curriculum vitae/resume; license to practice; proof of malpractice insurance; and copy of a valid identification card.

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Reclamo de pago

El reclamo de pago por evaluaciones médicas tiene que presentarse por duplicado con el documento de apoyo, si procede, a más tardar un año después de la última fecha de los servicios prestados. 

Reclamo de pago de testigo perito

Envíe por correo el reclamo de pago a la siguiente dirección:

Kern County Superior Court

Attention: Executive Administrative Secretary

1415 Truxtun Avenue

Bakersfield, CA 93301

Si tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de solicitud, llame al (661) 610-6221.

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