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Public Notice:

Please see the updated information on the transition from Zoom to Court Call for remote video appearances

Other Benefits

The Superior Court is pleased to offer a voluntary Long Term Disability (LTD) plan, insured by United Healthcare. Long Term Disability insurance provides partial income replacement, in the event an employee becomes totally disabled and unable to work for more than 90 days. The plan will pay up to 60% of an employee’s pre-disability earnings, to a maximum of $5,000 per month, for up to five years.

Enrollment in United's Long Term Disability Insurance plan can be requested at any time during the year, but does require the completion and submission of the enrollment form to the Human Resources Department, attn: Gaby Lopez Mendez and Courtney Akana, as well as the completion of the Statement of Insurability (LTD).  Since the Statement of Insurability does include personal health information, it should be remitted directly to United Health at the address indicated on the form.  Employees who are within their initial 30 days of hire (known as the "waiting period") are not required to complete and return the Evidence of Insurability, as coverage will be granted under the policy's "Guarantee Issue" period.

Please visit the links below for more information regarding the Court’s voluntary Long Term Disability insurance plan:

The Superior Court provides employees with Basic Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance at no out-of-pocket cost to the employee ($100,000 for Management, $50,000 for Confidential, and $10,000 for Represented Employees). Employees may purchase additional coverage by way of Supplemental Life Insurance for themselves, their spouse and/or dependent children at group rates.

In order to obtain Supplemental Life Coverage, employees have the ability to enroll under the Guaranteed Issue (GI) period (within 30 days of their original hire date), where an employee may elect, in increments of $10,000 only, up to $150,000 worth of coverage for themselves, up to $20,000 for a spouse and $10,000 for children. Child coverage cannot be requested or granted for more than the $10,000 benefit, which covers all eligible dependent children for one flat bi-weekly premium. Should you fail to enroll during your designated Guarantee Issue period (again, within 30 days of hire), you must complete and return the Enrollment Form listing the desired amount requested directly to Gaby Lopez Mendez and Courtney Akana in the Human Resources Department.

Additionally, you will need to complete and return the below linked Statement of Insurability Form, but instead of remitting to Human Resources, you will remit directly to Unimerica, the company that underwrites the policy. Please note that this form only needs to be remitted if you are requesting amounts in excess of the allowed Guaranteed Issue limits, or if you are making a request for Supplemental Life Coverage in any amount after your 30th day of employment. Once a determination to grant or deny coverage has been made by Unimerica, both you, and the Human Resources Department will receive a letter of determination. Should the coverage you requested be denied for any reason, your letter will likely give an explanation as to why. The letter the Court receives will merely state that the coverage you requested was not granted and approved.  Enrollment forms can be found in NeoGov. 

Please visit the links below for important information regarding your basic/supplemental life insurance options:

A governmental 457(b) deferred compensation plan is a retirement savings plan that allows all full-time Superior Court employees to supplement any pension benefits provided by Kern County Employees’ Retirement Association (KCERA) by saving and investing pre-tax dollars through a voluntary salary contribution. Contributions and any earnings on contributions are tax-deferred until money is withdrawn. All distributions are subject to ordinary income tax in the year in which distributions are taken. The contribution limit for the 2025 plan year is $23,500; however, individuals over the age 50 may contribute up to an additional $7,500, should they desire to do so. Additionally, you may be eligible for a “Special 457 Catch-Up” contribution in the three years prior to normal retirement age. Please contact your Deferred Compensation (Voya) representative to determine if you are eligible for the “Special 457 Catch-up.” Please note that the IRS may change contribution limits each year. You can refer to for the latest contribution limits, or you may contact the Kern County Deferred Compensation Plan directly at (661) 868-3467. Kern County 457 Deferred Comp will also continue to have offices located at 1115 Truxtun (in the County of Kern Administrative Building) inside the Kern County Treasurer Tax Collector’s Office on the 2nd floor.  Enrollment forms can be found in NeoGov. 

Kern County Deferred Compensation

(661) 868-3467

OptumHealth EAP is designed to address personal, emotional and workplace issues in their earliest stages. They offer 24/7/365 access to counseling services, child and elder care referrals, financial and legal advice services and much more. It is completely confidential and you and anyone living in your household will have access to up to six (6) free, confidential face-to-face visits with a licensed counselor, per circumstance, per year, with no limitations of how frequently the sessions can be scheduled. In addition, for those that prefer more anonymity or who do not have the time to attend face-to-face visits, OptumHealth offers unlimited access to telephonic EAP counseling services as well. In the event you, or your household member are in need of more than six (6) visits for the same circumstance in a calendar year, OptumHealth will assist in finding a counselor/therapist within the Court’s mental health benefit offered under our existing medical plan through Anthem Blue Cross, provided the member is a covered person on that plan.

Knowing that the initial call is sometimes the most difficult step in getting help, OptumHealth’s master’s-level employee assistance specialists will greet each incoming call with a warm, caring and supportive approach and will focus on going the extra mile to ensure your experience with the EAP is a beneficial one.

OptumHealth offers an extensive selection of EAP providers in Bakersfield and the surrounding areas. They also provide a comprehensive website that offers self-help and resource tools for the various types of services the EAP benefit covers.

To access this beneficial program, you can simply call OptumHealth at the number listed below or visit their website for more information.

Register with the company code: KERN to access benefits through the OptumHealth website




OptumHealth EAP

(866) 248-4098

The Superior Court offers two (2) flexible spending account plans that allow employees to pay for dependent care, un-reimbursed medical expenses and certain insurance premiums on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction. An employee may choose one or both plans to participate in; however, enrollment in this program must be completed within 30 days of the initial hire date or during the annual open enrollment period. Any elections (choices) made during the open enrollment period will be in effect for the entire plan (calendar) year and cannot be changed without a qualifying change in family status, or until the next open enrollment. In addition, all open enrollment changes are effective the first day of the next calendar year. Employees who wish to remain in this program year after year must re-enroll each year they wish to participate in flexible spending accounts and may make adjustments to their contributions at that time.

Health Care Spending Account

This plan helps participants pay the out-of-pocket costs associated with their medical, dental and vision plans that were not covered expenses under the Health Benefit plan, such as co-pays and/or deductibles as well as many other IRS qualifying expenses. This includes expenses for yourself and any person(s) you claim as a dependent on your Federal income tax return, regardless if they are covered under your Court medical plan.

Participants may elect an amount to be deducted on a pre-tax basis from their annual pay to go into this spending account broken up on a bi-weekly basis. After submitting receipts along with a reimbursement claim form for qualified expenses, participants are directly reimbursed from this account.

Here is a summary of the key benefits of a Health Care Spending Account, including a listing of eligible reimbursable expenses.

Maximum Annual Contribution Amount $3,300 (2025)
Eligible Covered Dependent Any dependent you can claim on your tax return
Eligible Expense Time Period January 1 (or hire date, if later) to December 31 of same year
Claims Filing Deadline March 31 of subsequent year
IRS Rules Any funds left in your account after the end of the eligible expense time period are forfeited

Dependent Care Spending Account

This plan helps make dependent care expenses more affordable. This includes expenses for dependent children under the age of 13 whom you claim as a dependent on your Federal income tax return, or other family members, such as disabled children or elderly parents, who are unable to care for themselves, require full-time care, and whom you claim as dependents on your income tax return.

Participants may elect an amount to be deducted on a pre-tax basis from their annual pay to go into this spending account broken up on a bi-weekly basis. After submitting receipts along with a reimbursement claim form for qualified dependent care expenses, participants are directly reimbursed from this account.

Here is a summary of the key benefits of a Dependent Care Spending Account, including eligible reimbursable expenses.

Maximum Annual Contribution Amount $5,000
Eligible Covered Dependent Any dependent you can claim on your tax return
Eligible Expense Time Period January 1 (or hire date, if later) to December 31 of same year
Claims Filing Deadline March 31 of subsequent year
Eligible Covered Dependent Dependent children under age 13 whom you claim as a dependent on your Federal income tax return. Other family members, such as disabled children or elderly parents, who are unable to take care of themselves, require full-time care, and whom you claim as dependents on your income tax return, are also eligible.
IRS Rules Any funds left in your account after the end of the eligible expense time period are forfeited

Enrollment and Reimbursement Election Forms can be found on NeoGov.  Please visit the links below for important information regarding your flexible spending accounts:

FSA HealthComp

P.O. Box 45018

Fresno, CA 93718-5018

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan for limited periods of time under certain circumstances such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked, transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events. Qualified individuals are required to pay the entire premium for coverage up to 102 percent of the cost to the plan.



The Court is pleased to make voluntary Pet Protection Insurance through Nationwide® Insurance available through a convenient payroll deduction*.  Enroll today if you are interested in saving on eligible pet expenses!  

  • Get cash back on eligible vet bills: Choose your reimbursement level of 50% or 70%**
  • Available exclusively for employees: Plans with preferred pricing only offered through the Superior Court. 
  • Use any vet, anywhere: No networks, no pre‐approvals

*It is important to note that Nationwide, the company who underwrites and provides this policy, uses the Court’s payroll calendar to determine payment of premiums.  Since the Court uses a pay cycle of 26 pay periods per year, Nationwide adjusts the annual premiums to withhold the same amount for ten (10) months of the year and the other two (2) months have an adjusted rate to adhere to their premium schedule.  As a result, you will see a fluctuation in the premiums withheld from payroll twice per year (about May and October).

**Some exclusions may apply. Certain coverages may be subject to pre‐existing exclusions. Contact Nationwide for more information on exclusions. Reimbursement options may not be available in all states. Prices vary based on plan, species and ZIP code. 

Employees can enroll at any time throughout the year using the below enrollment options.

  1. Go directly to the dedicated URL that’s been created for the Superior Court:
  2. Call 877‐738‐7874 and mention that you’re an employee of the Superior Court of California, County of Kern to receive preferred pricing
  3. Visit or scan the QR code on the attached At-A-Glance below, and enter Superior Court of California, County of Kern

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