General Information
Find court locations, contact information, career opportunities, ADA information and more
ADA Information
Access Information For Persons With Disabilities.
Amnesty Program
The general guidelines for a one-time Amnesty Program in each county for bail and fines meeting the eligibility requirements.
Budget & Filing
What happens to money received by a California court for traffic tickets?
Community Outreach
This is a list of some things the court staff can and cannot do for you.
Court Holidays
Court of Kern Holiday Schedule
Court Volunteers / Docents
Docents make the courts more user-friendly to court patrons.
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE)
The Court has designed a program to enhance opportunities for DVBEs.
Kern County Superior Court's career opportunities
Facility Equal-Access Policy
The Court has adopted a Court Facility Equal Access Policy pursuant to Government Code § 7284.8(a).
LEP Plan
This LEP plan was developed to ensure meaningful access to court services for persons with limited English proficiency.
Locations & Contact Info
Kern County court locations and all court department contact information.
Media Relations
Changes for the news media will be made only for purposes of news releases or high-profile court cases.
News & Events
News releases, notices, and court updates from Kern County Courts.
Preparing for a Court Appearance
You are scheduled to appear in court. You will be appearing in court without an attorney.
Procurement / Vendors
List of information and requests for procurement and vendors.
Small Business Preference
The Court has designed a program to enhance opportunities for small businesses.
Temporary Judges Program
The Kern County Superior Court invites attorneys to apply to serve as Temporary Judges.
What the Court Can and Cannot Do For You
This is a list of some things the court staff can and cannot do for you.
Legal Resources
Links to a variety of local and state websites that provide legal information and other case support.